Saturday, September 25, 2010


Unclear objectives, Conceptual Clarity ( What, Why, How & Now what ? ), forwarded mails (as we very proudly write FYI & A), SMT vs. Ms Outlook, too much information and too little time to react / reply, various sources for a single information can be considered as Operational Constraints.
Behavioral Traits - People do not respond the way we want them to do, simply because they frame our issue in their own understanding of a particular situation. (For Instance – we talk about Stock Count so as to bridge the gap between SAP & Physical Stock @ store but they feel as it is a part of either damage clearance / shrinkage where they would be questioned upon). For them their perception is their reality.

Interestingly even there are people who do not respond as they don’t wish to do so, (May sound awkward but true!!), not in a habit of reading and understanding mail content, (rather love talking and trying to convince / justify – I believe we would be able to reduce 50 – 60% of our time in following-ups if start reading mails properly) & most of us are also no good listeners.