Thursday, July 28, 2011

Change – The Environment Within the Organization…..Need of the Hour…(An extract of the sales conference attended @ Nairobi,organized by Flemingo International Limited, Africa Headquarters)

“It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”                                                                                                                                        Charles Darwin 1809-1882, English biologist and father of the evolution theory.

CHANGE – How simple it is - a 6 alphabet word -have become a part of everybody’s life – the one who is to grow has to go with a transition phase that plays a deciding factor on being a success story.
Now days most of the organizations have realized the importance of adapting with the changing business dynamics& have been responsive enough on re-strategizing the way of doing business.
Be it in technology / decision making pattern / people management methodology or strict adherence in business compliances – the fact remains – ARE WE DOING ENOUGH TO BE A PART OF SUCH A CHANGE?
The success of adapting the changing business dynamics lies on –
1) Understanding the position of the business - a systematic approach.
2) Our need i.e., WHAT? WHY? HOW? WHEN?
These can be the measuring factor to achieve the need.
3) Communication, Self Involvement & support from people within the organization.
Any of the above – if not dealt with intelligence will have an adverse impact & in fact may even make the current position worse.
Any organization that successfully adapt & take right direction will lead to the progress path that it aims.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

The Rush for MBA is really a rush for big money.

It used to be a case 4-5 years back. But things have changed a lot.Now it has become a status quo to be called as an MBA professional.

The glory of calling some one an MBA has lost in the mid way - thanks to lot of institutes mushroomed in between providing MBA degree with adding no values to the intellectual development of the aspirants.

Now if we look - Lot of other educational opportunities are being identified - such as - Aeronautical Engineering, Biotech, Fashion Designing, etc have started providing values.
Other fields like Agriculture / Allied Science, Animation Courses, Travel & Tourism & teaching line are also considered one amongst the best available options to go ahead.
Hey more importantly – In smaller cities – young guns are now more jumping into the so called religion of our country – CRICKET which does not need to be an MBA.

What is more important !!! Strategy or Execution ?

Some times we do ask ourselves - whether we wok for a strategy or we work to execute & while executing --- all the hurdles & experiences gives birth to strategy ?

Its difficult to answer though !!!! As our mind set / personality some times prefer one over the other. Lot of amongst us are perfect executioners where as lot of others are perfect strategists.

I believe,to ensure that we come up with a winning note - it is essential for us to develop both the skills - A) Being Strategic - Ensuring our Innovation Engine keeps working all the time & B) Being Aggressive in Execution - Ensuring Discipline proving that great ideas do not get wasted.

We need to have a balanced act to succeed. but not one without the other.